SDG5 Gender Equality

For SDG5 in particular we focus on targets 5.5 and 5B 

5.5 Ensure women’s full and effective participation and equal opportunities for leadership at all levels of decision making in political, economic and public life.

Our impact

Inclusive Trade was born out of a commitment to empower women working in fashion and textiles globally.  The team behind Inclusive Trade set up non-profit organisation SPINNA in the Netherlands in 2009, and in UK in 2012, and are lifelong supporters of ensuring gender equality in all walks of economic and cultural life, encouraging and supporting women’s full and effective participation in business, leadership and decision-making. 

5B Enhance the use of enabling technology, in particular information and communications technology, to promote the empowerment of women.

 Our impact

The Inclusive Trade platform is a vehicle for ensuring that women-led businesses flourish and provide other like-minded designers, makers and entrepreneurs the opportunity to be, and connect with, role models who promote the fundamental values of gender equality as a baseline for everything that we do. 

What it means for you

Buying a product through Inclusive Trade means that you are supporting a whole eco-system of small businesses who fundamentally believe in human rights and are working together every day to achieve gender equality globally through the supply chains that they use and the everyday decisions they make about their products and services. 

To find out more about SDG5 and other Sustainable Development Goals, visit: