Inclusive Trade at the WTO Public Forum, 8-11 October
The theme of this year's WTO Public Forum is Trading Forward: Adapting to a Changing World. It will ask such questions as what do Millennials and Gen Z think about trade? What is the future of services trade? How can the WTO respond to a world that is changing at such a rapid pace?
Inclusive trade is pleased to take part in the discussions and consider how the trading system can adapt and remain relevant. Join us at the following events on the 9th and 11th of October:
9 October, 12.00, Room D, Panel Discussion
Hosts: IE University‚ School of Global and Public Affairs, International Trade Centre (ITC), and the Islamic Trade Finance Corporation (ITFC).
New Paradigms for an Increasingly Digitalized Economy: perspectives, adaptation and talent upgrading
Millennials and Gen Z have diversified from traditional consumption patterns, moving away from buying manufactured goods to hiring services aided by the internet and the opportunities for cheaper transport, accommodation and alternative styles of work. Concerns for the environment, and increased mobility meanwhile have led to more minimalist lifestyles.
Inclusive Trade will take part in this panel discussion on Millennial and Gen Z trends for consumption and their economic impact, and the associated regulatory challenges for national and international markets.
11 October, 12.00, Room B, Workshop
Hosts: Inclusive Trade and the Global Innovation Forum
Digital Natives and Trade: Exploring how the next generations of entrepreneurs, students and innovators operate globally in a world of tariffs and trade turmoil
This workshop, hosted by Inclusive Trade and the Global Innovation Forum will explore how Millennials and Generation Z entrepreneurs, students and business leaders who were born into a global digital world feel about current trade tensions and increasingly complex trade barriers. How do they navigate their businesses, studies and lives in a world that seems intent on putting up new walls?
11 October, 1.45pm, Room W, Panel Discussion
Host: Permanent Mission of Uruguay to the WTO on behalf of the Informal Working Group on MSMEs
Trade Intelligence for MSMEs: the Global Trade Helpdesk
MSMEs face considerable challenges to reach new markets. On average, only 8 per cent of MSMEs in developing countries are exporters, and 34 per cent in OECD economies. Difficulty in accessing market information is one of the main constraints. Inclusive trade will appear on this panel discussion, which will bring together 90 WTO members in order to boost MSME entry into the global market.
The panel will discuss progress on a new portal that provides trade intelligence from doorstep to destination-market, as well as strategies for increasing data and country coverage, and how to ensure information reaches the target audience of MSMEs.