The High-Level Event on Women's Empowerment and Sustainable Development Post-2015 and Beijing+20: Women's Economic Empowerment and Sustainable Development‚ the Synthesis for Success.
Women in Entrepreneurship: a Multidimensional Contribution to Sustainable Development.
Entrepreneurship is one of the most effective ways to unlock and show women's potential, benefit for the communities and contribution to global sustainable development in all three dimensions, economic, social and environmental. The discussion aimed to identify best practices and examples of how women's participation in economic processes and gender equality as such can efficiently contribute to sustained development, for instance, by sustainable production.
- Ms Michaela Bergman, Chief Counsellor for Social Issues, EBRD
- Ms Helen Hai, CEO, Made in Africa Initiative‚ and UNIDO Goodwill Ambassador
- Ms Rupa Ganguli, Founder and Director, "SPINNA Circle"
- Ms Sofia Amaral de Oliveira, Technical Specialist on Conditions of Work and Employment, and Gender Equality, ILO
- Ms Annelies van den Berg, Senior Expert, Plan Nederland