Celebrating MSMEWeek
Lets celebrate #MSMEweek by introducing you to some of the inspirational founders who use our platform to grow their ethical businesses.
Inclusive Trade is an eco-commerce platform. We aim to eliminate #greenwashing and enable trust between consumers and brands by harnessing the untapped potential of sustainable micro- businesses (#MSMEs) globally.
This week we are showcasing some of the #brilliance, #resilience and #innovation of the MSMEs who sell through our platform and to share their stories with you as part of international Micro-, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (MSMEs) Day (27th June 2021).
These businesses are the drivers of an inclusive transition towards more #sustainable economies and together we are committed to making measurable impacts every day toward #SDG5 Gender Equality, #SDG12 Responsible Consumption and Production, and #SDG13 Climate Action.
Coraline Organic Skincare
Coraline is a range of natural soaps, handcrafted in small batches at Honeysuckle Cottage Farm in Berkshire by Kevin Troy and his wife Liz. All of the ingredients are fully certified as #organic, or are wild and naturally occurring. The soap bars only contain the finest moisture-rich extra virgin olive oil, unrefined virgin coconut, castor and almond oils, shea butter and naturally occurring glycerin. All of the products are proudly #vegan.
Listen to founder, Kevin Troy, explain how his daughter Coraline is the inspiration behind the brand which aims to empower everyone to feel comfortable in their own skin.
Design by Nasha
Nasha Mehta is the Founder and Creative Director of Design by Nasha.
Her collection includes Stationery and Home items. Their team uses the technique of silk screening. which is a hand crafted process, of pressing ink through a stenciled mesh screen, to create a printed design. Silk screen printing is a dying craft. Nasha wanted to support this beautiful hand crafted technique and the workers who have mastered the skill.
Nasha is committed to supporting charities through her business. She says, "100% of profits (from our stationery sales) for the month of June are being donated to masterchef4many.org - a food drive I have been working closely with this year. We have served 35,000 meals just between the month of May and June." Kudos to you and your team, Nasha! Keep up the amazing work!!!

Meet Yami Montano
I am Yami (like Yummy!) Montano from beautiful Cali in Colombia. I came to the UK around 18 years ago to study English and go to university where I met my Portuguese boy - we have been together and happily married since. I have three beautiful boys and I'm crazy in love for life, my friends, nature, people and the universe.
We are based in South East London and we run a variety of accessories including turban headbands, a sports collection of turban headbands. Very soon coming up headbands and ears. I started my brand called Yami Montano actively last year selling handmade mamas and baby girls hair accessories. When the lockdown happened I started to grow out my natural hair, something I thought would be easy, but afro hair requires a lot of dedication and pampering.
One morning I woke up and decided I should do something. I had been styling my hair by just putting it up as a pineapple style, but I started doing some research on other styling ideas. I noticed most of the women I was inspired by were wearing some sort of accessory in their hair, which is where the idea of making the turban headbands was born.

Taste a chocolate with No Name but great taste and purpose
Gabriela Alvarez tells us that her goal is simple: Connect natural beauty and amazing people who cultivate cocoa with chocolate lovers who want to go further and support the development of communities and the environment.
Changing the souvenir clothing market, for good
Meet Danny Sullivan from Good Trip Clothing.
"We are changing the souvenir clothing market, for good. Our clothing range is ethical and sustainable as well as having a simple but stylish design. Perfect for that exciting trip away or an ideal memento to remember that unforgettable adventure you have just had.
Listen to Annis Fender's journey, Founder of Tribe, and meet the amazing face behind the beautiful candles sold on Inclusive Trade
“My mission is to show you that there is a simple and effective path for you that can truly change your life and, indeed, change the world.”
Meet artist Seblewongel Gelan from Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Seble was one of six children from a hardworking father and a housewife mom. At her junior school, Seble gave more attention to sports, especially running; music, handicrafts and arts. Even though Mom shouted at her and told her to focus on her studies, Seble still persisted in doing what she loved. By age 12 she had become a star of her class in art and promised to follow her heart.

Seble's advice for aspiring artists is to listen to your heart. Even though there are lots of challenges facing you, you need to make an effort to find a solution and reach your dream. She believes art is not a one time job. Seble believes artists must make every effort to develop themselves to deliver good arts work.
We sell silk scarves with Seble's artwork and also we can connect you to Seble to buy original paintings too.
#MSMEs like #coralineskincare #designbynasha #yamimontano #nonamechocolate #goodtripclothing #tribe and #seble are the drivers of an #inclusive transition towards more #sustainable economies and together we are committed to making measurable impacts every day toward #SDG5 #SDG12 and #SDG13.